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Supervision Program

On-ice supervision is aimed at the development of officials through meaningful feedback. The guidelines contained in this section are necessary for a standardized approach to the evaluation of officials.

The Objectives of Effective Supervision
  • To improve the quality of officiating in the two, three and four official systems of officiating.

  • To develop evaluation consistency in the assessment of officials.

  • To provide instructional follow-up and coaching which reinforces the information presented at clinics within the Hockey Canada Officiating Program. Officials should be provided with feedback on areas of positive performance as well as areas where improvement is required to strengthen their on-ice performance.

  • To develop consistent officiating techniques with reference to rule inter¬pretation, enforcement, positioning & and signaling.

  • To obtain optimum performance by providing an incentive to the officials.

Good supervision is the key to success in any officiating program. The Supervision Manual is one tool which will assist the supervisor to become more effective, which will ultimately not only improve the quality of officiating, but also the quality of hockey in general.

Role of a Supervisor

Individuals who accept the responsibility to supervise officials must be dedicated toward improving the quality of officiating and the development of consistency within the association. The supervisor must be prepared to spend time with each official evaluated, and discuss each performance. The most important responsibility which the supervisor must realize is that they are there to assist referees and linesmen to become better officials. Supervisors must realize their responsibility is not only to evaluate performance, but to also coach officials by offering meaningful suggestions to help them improve.

Supervisors will be confronted by players and team officials under certain situations. It is important that the supervisor realize their area of respon¬sibility in this regard and not become involved in policy matters. The supervisor should refer problems relating to policy to the appropriate League or Branch authority.

Supervisors must realize the importance of complete and detailed reports. The supervisor's report is a permanent record of performance by an individual in a specific situation, and it is essential that the report reflect accurately what that performance was. These reports are important tools by which associations can evaluate and rate their officiating staff.

Qualities of an Effective Supervisor
  • Develop and encourage a positive relationship with the officials. A supervisor must respect the officials and deal with them in a profes¬sional and friendly manner. The supervisor who is concerned with developing a positive relationship will be respected and accepted by the officials.

  • Never influence the decision of an official, or cause an official to change their decision during or after a game. The role of the supervisor is to evaluate and report performance. They may assist officials with respect to uniformity of rule interpretation, theory and techniques of officiating, judgment in calling penalties and other related aspects of officiating, but the final decision in all matters during the game is the responsibility of the officials on the ice.

  • Identify an official's weakness and provide the means of overcoming the problem. This can be in the form of offering suggestions, recom¬mendations, or review. It is very important that the official understand exactly what the problem is, and find a solution which will remedy the situation.

  • Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of approved rules, procedures and techniques. This requires the supervisor to be very comfortable with all information in both the Rule Book/Case Book and Hockey Canada Officiating Procedures. They must insist that officials use only procedures and techniques which are approved by Hockey Canada and Branch. Supervisors must report any official who does not conform to procedures and techniques which have been approved by Hockey Canada or Branch.

Communicating with Officials

A question that every supervisor has asked at one time or another is whether or not they should talk to the officials before or during a game.

The answer can be "yes" or "no" depending on the game, the officials involved, and the reason for which the officials are being supervised. If the officials are experienced and your being in the referees’ room before the game will not upset them, then it may be all right to see them before the game. If however, the officials are inexperienced and could be influenced by the knowledge that they are being supervised, then it might be better not to see them until the game is over.

If the purpose of the supervision is to assess performance because of previous adverse reports, then the supervisor should remain incon¬spicuous and observe the official's performance without the official know¬ing that they are being assessed. After the game it is permissible to discuss the official's performance based on their work in that particular game.

Submitting a Supervision

Once you have completed your in-person supervision, a supervisor is required to submit a copy of their supervision online through OMS so the official, supervisor and NMHAOP executive can have a record of the supervision.  Supervisors are reminded to make sure the information provided on the written record should reflect that which was discussed with the official(s) at the end of their game. Keep your information clear and consistent with branch and Hockey Canada officiating policies and procedures.

Supervision reports should be submitted within 5 days of the game.  Failure to do so, will result in fines as per Code of Conduct.

Supervision System Login (via iOMS)

Visit our Docs, Procedures & Forms page to view Supervision Program documents.

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